Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Vitamin A

I came accross an article published in 2010 by Ma, Kaufman, Zhang and Washington from the Department of Opthalmology at the Colombia University Medical Centre about a dose combination acting upon vitamin A in the retina. The article was quite interesting, having been conducted on a mouse model of Stargardt's disease. The study used a dose combination of vitamin A and something called C20D3 directly on the retina.

Lipofuscin, which are the yellowish granules, accumulate in the retina causing permanent damage. I'm no chemistry whiz, but from what I deciphered the study found that if you could stop the chemical reaction occurring that allows two separate vitamin A molecules to combine and cause damage, the retina would not deteriorate. Thus, they made a combination of vitamin A and the C20D3 character to stop this chemical reaction occurring.

The study found this to work in mice, and thus may benefit humans. Although this would not restore sight already lost, but it could prevent further deterioration.

It is early stage research but it is quite promising to know that there is another group of people researching Stargardt's to help find us a cure.

The details of the article are below:
C20-D3-vitamin A Slows Lipofuscin Accumulation and Electrophysiological Retinal Generation in a Mouse Model of Stargardt's Disease.
By Li Ma, Yardana Kaufman, Junhua Zhang and Ilyas Washington

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